Function: adjective
Date: 1598
1 : expressive of awe
2 a : inspiring awe
— awe•some•ly adverb
— awe•some•ness noun
To awesomely introduce to you the awesomeness of the people in my life, I thought of bringing them in and including them in my usual posting.
I've got a few people in mind and this is only one of those ways to give a little tribute to what they've contributed in my life and to others that they may have influenced in ways they do not know.
I knew that it might be a mundane weekend for me since I haven’t received any updates nor affirmation on the date me and Cristine set up for the group to go to MOA to witness the Pyromusical Competition between different countries. Darn! Waiting for replies sometimes takes a lifetime. Oh well, I knew I will not make it again at the competition but it seemed it turned out like a blessing in disguise since I received an invite to go to The 9th Philippine Food Expo at the Megatrade Hall.
He is my kind of chef. My best friend and a confidante when it comes to good food, as in GOOD, HEALTHY food. I came in a little late. It wasn't easy to find their booth. And when I arrived, he already started doing his demo. Goodness Gracious! I didn't realize that it was sort of really a demonstration with seats in front, more of like watching Wok with Yan on TV when I was a kid. And with the help of Sei, my bestfriend too, they were able to pull it off.
We are what we eat and just listening to what he's saying makes me wonder how I so abuse myself in indulging to unhealthy foods. Too much salt, too much sweets and the worst, too much junk. I was a fan of sodas and potato chips and of foods that has no nutritional value at all. My initial objective of going there just to see my friends became an eye opener on how bad my awareness was into eating. Take for example Moringa leaves (malunggay) which has SEVEN TIMES vitamin C that the usual orange drink has, FOUR TIMES calcium than the usual milk and a lot of other nutrients. It's like having a pharmacy inside your home and planting it is like having a drugstore at your own backyard. There may be plenty of superfoods out there that I need to discover.
Here are some samples of his recipes:
Bottomline: I will watch what I eat.
It is a part of my advocacy to committing random kindness and being love-- not only for other people but for me and family as well.
Though it took us just hours to be together-- We ended the day strolling at the mall with healthy watermelon pops.INDULGE!!!
My Gratitude to the ever Fabulous CHEF that I know. Continue promoting the health-conscious buff you have within you. Kudos!
You Are Awesome!
Disclaimer: You are awesome. Unique in different ways. Utilize it to inspire and love the people around you. He isn't the first and defintely not the last. There's more to come. Be love.
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